Education level is a key determinant of employment and income for Indigenous workers in the Darwin region
Finishing school and lifetime learning are key determinants of employment status, income and income stability for 77,794 workers who live in this region (Figure 1 and Figure 2).
Figure 1 Employment Status for workers with different educational profiles in the Darwin region (MADIP)
All workers | Indigenous workers |
Figure 2 salary levels for workers with different educational profiles in the Darwin region (MADIP)
All workers | Indigenous workers |
This analysis also highlights the value of the Northern Territory’s Indigenous Education Strategy which focuses on ensuring Indigenous students have a successful education journey and have real career choices and options. An education also results in income stability for Indigenous workers in the region. Income volatility can be a real challenge facing Indigenous people who have not completed secondary school (Figure 3).
Figure 3 The Influence of education on income volatility for Indigenous workers in the Darwin region (MADIP)